Garden at John Fullerton House

Charleston, SC

This fine Georgian single house was built in 1772 by John Fullerton, a Scottish carpenter. When it was necessary to make extensive repairs after Hurricane Hugo in 1989, the current owner, a committed preservationist, ensured that the restoration preserved the house’s integrity. In 1985, the grounds were landscaped to add a formal garden and pool. The impressive colonial-style fence and gate were built in 1999.

Now, over thirty years old, the garden complements the house in full measure. The driveway is lined with a viburnum hedge on the north garden side and, on the south side, five red maple trees stand guard. A wall with recessed arches is covered in fig ivy.

The garden is a series of rooms. Along the piazza of the house, the front room has a grass carpet surrounded by lush beds of shrubs and trees, including a sizeable old Yaupon holly, Japanese maples, and a beautifully barked white ‘Natchez’ crape myrtle. This room presents a peaceful vista from the house. Beyond the drive is the swimming pool. An arched wall with pierced brick infill provides privacy. Camellias and ‘Forest Pansy’ redbuds line the southern wall and fountain, while a grass panel and rectangular containers on the terrace filled with annuals provide color.

The formal garden in the rear features four dramatically limbed crape myrtles reflecting their Chinese origin. Surrounding the parterres are beds planted with azaleas, camellias, sasanquas, hydrangeas, mahonias, and ligustrums. In the western corners are vintage ligustrums.

Open Days 2023: Saturday, June 3
Hours: 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.

  • Partial wheelchair access

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