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The Succulent Garden

Santa Fe, NM

The Garden Conservancy Preservation Partner Garden
The Garden Conservancy Preservation Partner Garden
The Garden Conservancy Preservation Partner Garden


My original passion was growing food— vegetables, fruits, and herbs. Late in life, I became a market gardener selling at the Santa Fe Farmers' Market and to friends and family. Now, I'm a dedicated rock gardener and a grower of native cactus, penstemons, and eriogonums. I love propagation from seeds and cuttings. The diversity and beauty of plants of all kinds is an endless source of joy and inspiration. I still grow lots of vegetables, fruits, and cut flowers for the grandkids, but it's the uncommon and challenging-to-grow plants that get me up in the morning.

This garden’s estimated size is 1/2 acre.

2025 Open Day:  Saturday, May 31

Hours:10-12, 12-2, 2-4


The Succulent Garden

Santa Fe County

Santa Fe, NM 87508


  • Alpine/rock garden
  • Dry/xeriscape
  • Fruit/vegetables
  • Organic/toxin-free
  • Rare plants/plant collection
  • New Garden

  • Nature Friendly

  • Photography Allowed

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$10 (Non-Member) | $5 (Member)


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