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Gylden Terraces

Houston, TX

The Garden Conservancy Preservation Partner Garden
The Garden Conservancy Preservation Partner Garden
The Garden Conservancy Preservation Partner Garden


This welcoming environment is staged by the sunny exposure, the blonde stone, and flaxen paint colors. Having undergone a significant renovation six years ago what we see today is a fairly mature representation of the intended goals. The gardens fulfill the desire for a scenic backdrop to indoor/outdoor living. The rockers on the North facing front porch are regularly used. The poolside terraces are used seasonally for routine dining. Larger gatherings are easily accommodated as well. The street side architecture had been lost behind out of proportion foundation plantings. A more deliberately streamlined vegetative framework complement the architectural lines and materials. Stone paths integrate the structure with the garden. Modest ornamentation sets the tone on the way to the front door. The South facing pool gardens had been grossly exposed to neighboring structures & utilities. Tall and narrow evergreens were placed at the perimeter to establish an enriching vegetative envelope. 'Kay Parris' Southern magnolia lend privacy and moderate the scale of structures. Various paths provide a slight element of mystery and manipulate the scale of the ground plane while giving sensible maintenance access. The shades of green and range of leaf scale and texture cultivate year round pleasure for the senses.

This garden’s estimated size is 7,500 sq feet.

2025 Open Day:  Saturday, April 26



Gylden Terraces

Harris County

Houston, TX 77005


  • Garden structure/sculpture
  • Organic/toxin-free
  • Substantial native plants
  • Woodland/shade garden
  • New Garden

  • Nature Friendly

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