Alexandra Munroe & Robert Rosenkranz Gardens
East Hampton, NY
This garden, surrounding a 1928 beach- front house, combines formal and naturalistic landscaping. An exuberant meadow, featured as an article in Garden Design magazine (Autumn 2015) with many varieties of perennials, self-seeding annuals, and native miscanthus, is adjacent to a cutting garden, a cottage garden and rose bed enclosed by a yew exedra. Nearby, a visitor may stroll through a woodland walk with Cryptomeria, cypress, and rhododendron underplanted with a collection of Asian woodland plants including rare arisaema. The trail ends near the dunes with ornamental grasses. The house overlooks a parterre and croquet lawn where lead urns planted informally with various annuals serve as focal points. The kitchen terrace leads to a large vegetable and cutting garden.
2025 Open Day: Sunday, June 22
Hours:10-12, 12-2, 2-4
Alexandra Munroe & Robert Rosenkranz Gardens
Suffolk County
East Hampton, NY 11937
Nature Friendly
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