Digging Deeper: The Garden's Development and Evolution

Digging Deeper: The Garden's Development and Evolution

Biercuk and Luckey Garden

Sat, May 13, 2023
10:00 AM-12:00 PM

The Biercuk & Luckey Garden is the work of 22 years. A south-facing, wooded lot was specifically selected for the house's location to accommodate the owners' obsession with growing myriad rhododendrons and azaleas. When the house was completed, development of the property began-SLOWLY-following the natural topography gradations. Learn about the garden's growth and evolution, from laying curving paths, planting selection, siting of the pool, and how and why features were chosen. The once-treed surroundings are now gone, so the garden is a peninsula bird sanctuary, adapting to dramatic changes in wind and sunlight. Thus far, the garden has been most resilient. Learn how the garden adapts and endures, creating a haven for both the owners and surrounding wildlife.

Biercuk & Luckey Garden
Wainscott, NY

Date and Time:
Saturday, May 13
10 a.m.-12 p.m.