Wells Hill Farm - CANCELED

Wells Hill Farm - CANCELED

Weston, CT

Wells Hill Farm strives to model sustainability and the best organic growing practices for small family farms. Companion herbs and flowers are integrated throughout our production gardens. We grow produce intensively on one-third of an acre and use our remaining 13 acres of pastures and woodlands for rotating two mobile chicken coops, one sheep house, and a rabbit hutch—all of which fertilize our pasture, add to our rich compost, control pests, and keep weeding around the property to a minimum. Our two livestock guardian dogs keep the animals safe from predation. We do all farming by hand and do not till our soil. Additionally, we grow through four seasons in a 125-foot-high tunnel. Wells Hill Farm sells to restaurants in Fairfield County and New York City, runs a small CSA, and holds farming classes for children and adults. All inputs are carefully considered, and almost all of the farm's garden structures and architectural elements are built from downed trees and rocks found on the property.


Please Note: This Open Day has been canceled at the owner's request.

  • This garden allows photography
  • Partial wheelchair access

Wells Hill Farm - CANCELED
Weston, Fairfield County, CT, 06883
Exact addresses and host-provided directions appear on e-tickets after purchase.

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