The New York Times Highlights Open Days!

Bunny Williams Garden, in Falls Village, CT

The Garden Conservancy is delighted that its Open Days program is catching the media’s attention more than ever this season! We’ve had phenomenal local, regional, and now national press with Margaret Roach’s wonderful piece in The New York Times in early June. She writes: “Sharing a garden with others is an eye-opener—and it’s not just the visitors who draw inspiration from the experience. Make like a public garden for a day, and you may grow as a gardener, too, by watching and listening (in between fielding questions and identifying the same show-off plants over and again).” The Times article explores the experience of being an Open Days garden host. Many of you will already know the extraordinary benefits—and hard work—that go into an Open Day, from the helpful, if painful, motivation of the countdown to the opportunity to see your garden in a new way, through someone else’s eyes. We’re on a mission to grow Open Days and turn America into a nation of gardeners. Great press like the Times piece helps us do that. If you have a subscription to the newspaper, please take a moment to share this article with loved ones and friends who might be interested in the Open Days program.