Advolly Richmond Captivates Audience with A Short History of Flowers at Atlanta History Center

[Left to right] Richard Harker (Historic Oakland Foundation), Sheffield Hale (Atlanta History Center), Advolly Richmond, Robert Balentine (the Garden Conservancy), and Abra Lee (Historic Oakland Foundation)

Advolly Richmond enthralled an audience at the Atlanta History Center with a discussion of her new book, A Short History of Flowers, on the occasion of its publication. The event, held on May 14, was a delightful evening filled with insights into the fascinating world of flowers. Richmond delved into the surprising histories of many beloved blooms, revealing tales of exploration, love, and bravery. From the discovery of the bougainvillea by an 18th-century female botanist in disguise as a man to the enduring magic of the snowdrop, each flower held a unique story. The audience learned about the roles these plants have played in shaping societies, influencing economies, and even inspiring fashion trends. Richmond, a regular on BBC’s Gardeners’ World, is a passionate advocate for garden history. The event, presented in partnership with the Atlanta History Center’s Cherokee Garden Library and the Historic Oakland Foundation, celebrated the preservation and appreciation of America’s diverse gardening traditions. Those who attended enjoyed a delightful evening surrounded by fellow garden enthusiasts, gaining a deeper appreciation for the beauty and history of the flowers that grace our gardens.