Rocky Hills Environmental Lecture: Dancing Through Borders

Rocky Hills Environmental Lecture: Dancing Through Borders

Chappaqua Performing Arts Center

Thu, Oct 24, 2019
6:30 PM

In this talk, presented in partnership with the Westchester Land Trust and the Chappaqua Library, British garden designer James Alexander-Sinclair takes us on a jaunt through a series of gardens he has designed, paying particular attention to how gardens connect us with nature. We all want to see beautiful things, to meet new plants, and to be inspired and excited. But we should never lose sight of the fact that we are not just gardeners, but custodians of the world. Good design goes hand-in-hand with good husbandry.

Thursday, October 24
6:30 p.m. Reception
7 p.m. Illustrated talk 

Chappaqua Performing Arts Center
480 Bedford Road
Chappaqua, NY 

This program is free of charge; registration is not required.

About the speaker
James Alexander-Sinclair is a renowned British garden designer. He began his career as a landscape contractor in London before moving to the English countryside in 1992. Since that time, he has been designing private and public gardens both large and small throughout the UK. James is also well known as a writer, television presenter, and speaker. He is also a regular contributor for many British horticultural publications and a longtime member of the BBC team for coverage of the Chelsea Flower Show.

James has been a Royal Horticultural Society (RHS) gardens judge since 2006, Chair of the Chelsea Flower Show selection panel, and chairman of the International Jury at the Moscow Flower Show. In 2011, he was elected to the Council of the RHS and is currently chairman of the Gardens Committee, and a member of both the Horticulture Board and the Community Outreach Advisory Group.

About the Rocky Hills Environmental Lecture Series
The Rocky Hills Environmental Lecture Series honors and continues the legacy of Henriette Suhr, a staunch environmentalist and the creator, together with her husband, William, of the gardens at Rocky Hills, an eight-acre strolling garden within a rugged (and rocky) natural woodland of Mount Kisco, NY. The thirteen-acre property is protected in perpetuity by a conservation easement held by the Westchester Land Trust. The lecture series has highlighted horticultural and environmental topics since 2007.