Restoration of the Vale, Prospect Park

Restoration of the Vale, Prospect Park

Rendering of Children's Garden, Prospect Park

Sat, Sep 30, 2023
10:00 AM

Restoration of the Vale, Prospect Park
Flatbush Avenue

Your guide: Christian Zimmerman, Vice President, Capital and Landscape Management, Prospect Park Alliance

We will stroll through the northeast section of Prospect Park, where the Prospect Park Alliance and the City of New York have incorporated community needs and desires into a forward-looking $40 million capital restoration plan that respects the historic design by Frederick Law Olmsted and Calvert Vaux. With detailed plans and renderings, Christian Zimmerman will describe how these plans will make the park more welcoming and accessible to visitors, and how it's improving the environment for wildlife. The project will restore Brooklyn's last remaining forest, transform the Rose Garden into three distinct landscapes, and restore the Children's Pool.

We are deeply grateful to the following for their sponsorship of the Garden Futures Summit.

Phil and Shelley Belling
Perfect Earth Project

Elizabeth Locke 

Eleanor Briggs
Howard Formby Garden Design, Inc.
Marilyn Lummis

Mrs. Coleman P. Burke
Camille Butrus
Diane and Jim Connelly
The Enchanted Edible Forest at Cross Island Farms
Elizabeth Giovine
Marsha L. Greenman
Michelle Griffith
Richard Motika and Jerrie Whitfield
Dr. and Mrs. Zebulon Taintor



The Garden Conservancy educational programs are made possible in part by the Coleman and Susan Burke Distinguished Lecture Fund, Courtnay and Terrence Daniels, the Lenhardt Education Fund, and Susan and William McKinley.

Additional support is provided by The Celia Hegyi Matching Challenge Grant, Mrs. Ritchie Battle, the Antonia Breck Fund, Camille Butrus, Michelle and Perry Griffith, Rise S. Johnson, The Krehbiel Family Foundation, Sleepy Cat Farm Foundation, and John S. Troy, FASLA.